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[Kajabi How To] Make Audio Files NOT Downloadable in Kajabi

When you build a "product" - course, membership, etc. - in Kajabi, you may want to include audio files. Some examples might be:

  • transcripts of course videos
  • meditations
  • audio course files
  • coaching calls

Here are Kajabi's instructions: How to upload an audio file to a post 

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How to Prevent Downloads of Audio Files

In Kajabi, all .mp3 files are downloadable if added in the download section, as in the instructions above and usually that's fine. Depending on the structure and price of your offering, customers/students will likely expect to be able to download the audio files they paid for. 

But there may be specific cases where you DON'T want to allow audio file downloads.

One example would be if you had a large number of audio files in a membership you sell, and you're afraid people would join for 1 month, download all your hard work, and then cancel.

Or maybe you're afraid your customers will download and share your audio files with non-paying friends.

In that case, there are a couple of workarounds.

Change .mp3 File to .mp4 File

Although audio .mp3 files ARE inherently downloadable in Kajabi, video .mp4 files ARE NOT.  Therefore, you can turn the .mp3 file into an .mp4 file by adding the audio to a cover photo or thumbnail. 

Then, because your "audio" is now a "video" (technically), it won't be inherently downloadable in Kajabi.

Use an Embedded Link

Instead of uploading an .mp3 file to your Kajabi product/course, you could  include a link to the audio file hosted somewhere else.

One example would be Soundcloud where you can choose to stop the download capability. Worried about non-paying people finding your audios on Soundcloud? No worries; you can hide audios in Soundcloud by making them Private.

But SHOULD You Prevent Audio Downloads?

Sometimes just because you can doesn't mean you should, right? ha

Some arguments could be made that there's no reason to go to this extra trouble to prevent people from downloading your audio files.

1. When audio in Kajabi is NOT downloadable, it means that your customers/students must be logged in to Kajabi to listen, whether on their computer but more likely a device. This is an inconvenience; these days, people expect audio files to be downloadable. Do you want to cause friction?

2. Nothing is truly "safe" online. If someone REALLY wants to download your audios, they'll find a way. There are instructions all over YouTube and free software to make it happen. By restricting audios, you end up penalizing the rule-followers, essentially.

3. A tenet many of us follow in online business, especially course creators, is to give, give, give. In the grand scheme of things, does a few 'bad people' taking your stuff really matter much?

Most people will follow the rules and only take what you give. Karma will take care of those others :)

To Prevent Audio Downloads or Not To, That is the Question

And the answer is completely up to you. If you choose to prevent audio downloads, above are 2 ways you can do it with workarounds, since Kajabi "out of the box" does not currently have this capability.