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Build Your Kajabi Site Using Website Pages or Landing Pages ... Your Choice!

 Photos in this post provided by Pexels


One of the best things about using Kajabi is that it's really flexible. With each of its features, there are lots of options to choose from that you can personalize to how YOU want things set up for your business. 

I've worked with other platforms and, believe me, flexibility isn't a given. Some platforms are kind of "my way or the highway" in many respects. So we're really lucky as Kajabi users to have the choices we do.

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Two Ways to Build a Website in Kajabi

One of these areas of great flexibility is in building your website on Kajabi. Instead of just one option, there are actually two main ways you can do it:

  1. Using a combination of building your main website with Website Pages, then adding additional pages with Landing Pages
  2. Using Landing Pages to build your entire Kajabi website, then "hooking them together" using Navigation


The Difference Between Kajabi's Website Pages and Landing Pages

This will all make much more sense when you go to actually build your site, lol. But I'll do my best to give a quick explanation of how they differ.

Kajabi Website Pages

Website Pages are system-generated based on the website theme you select. With Website Pages, you can build out your site, as each page shares similar elements based on your selected theme.

By system-generated, we mean that once you pick the website theme, it will "pre-build" a set of website pages for you. For example, the system would generate a home page, about page, contact page, blog, library, store, member directory, 404 page, etc.

These are like the bread and butter pages that every Kajabi website should have, and inherently does have, that you can then customize to your needs. 


Kajabi Landing Pages

Landing Pages are individual, standalone pages that can be linked to your email campaigns, events, automations, and more. Landing pages are created independently of each other, which means each landing page can be created using a unique theme.

Where Landing Pages come in regarding building your site is that you can use them to make additional pages for your Kajabi website.

For instance, say you build your site using Website Pages, then decide you want to add a Resources page. You would create that as a Landing Page, then add it to your website menu via the Navigation feature.

From the front end, this all looks seamless, like one unified website (as long as the Resources page you create uses the same branding, fonts, etc.).


Using Website Pages vs Landing Pages

Under the Two Ways to Build a Website in Kajabi heading above, I said you could either 1. use a combination of building your main website pages with the Website Pages, then add more pages with Landing Pages (which is the process I just explained),

.... or 2. just use Landing Pages to build your entire Kajabi website, then "hook them together" using Navigation.

The second way bypasses using some of the Website Pages in favor of using Landing Pages instead - for things like your home page, About, Contact, etc. While you WILL still need to use the system-generated Website Pages like Blog, 404, Library, and Store, you can use Landing Pages for everything else.

Menus aka Navigation in Kajabi is also very flexible. Functionally, if you build your Kajabi site with mostly Landing Pages, you'll need to use the Navigation menu to get those items in your menu via their URL. 




Your Choice: Build Your Kajabi Site How You Want

I think most people starting out with Kajabi for the first time tend to use mainly the Website Pages to build their Kajabi site. It can take some time to wrap your brain around the differences in Website Pages and Landing Pages, and why/when you'd choose to use one or the other.

There are Pros and Cons to each of the 2 Kajabi-site building methods I explained above. People will say 'the best way is with Landing Pages" or "the best way is with Website Pages."

But I believe that only YOU know what's best for you, your business, and how you need your site to function. So I'll not say one is better than the other, just different - and both are great! 


List of Kajabi Website Building Resources 

To hopefully make things as easy as possible for you, I've rounded up the Kajabi help files you should start with when building your first site. I'd read through them all FIRST, then follow them step-by-step when you're ready to build.

Website Theme Templates Overview

Creating Your Website

How to Add Pages to Your Website

Customizing Your Website Pages With the Website Builder

How to Build Your Customer Homepage ... Library Page ... Login ... Store ... Thank You Page ... 404 Page

I hope these resources being linked and all in one place is helpful in building your Kajabi website!